Category: Overall Health

Diabetes & Your Teeth

Diabetes & Your Teeth

It may seem strange to hear your dentist in Alexandria talk about a disease that doesn’t seem to affect your oral health. But the truth is, many diseases, including diabetes, can negatively affect your teeth. In fact, diabetes can increase the likelihood of gum disease, dry mouth, and other oral health problems. For this World…

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5 Ways to Say “No Way!” to Sugar Cravings

5 Ways to Say “No Way!” to Sugar Cravings

This is the time of year when sugary sweets and candy seem to be lurking around every turn of the grocery or pharmacy aisles. There are so many ooey, gooey, colorful, delicious treats we want to eat. But as we all know, your dentist in Alexandria will tell you to step away from the sweets…

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Make The Connection to Your Oral and Overall Health

Make The Connection to Your Oral and Overall Health

As research continues and more scientific advancements happen each year, there is mounting evidence that your oral and overall health are connected. Your dentist in Alexandria is here to tell you this is 100 percent true. This gives a whole new reasoning to why it’s super important to brush, floss, and see your dental hygienist…

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How Does Vaping Affect Oral Health?

How Does Vaping Affect Oral Health?

By now you’ve probably heard of the relatively recent rise in the popularity of vaping as an alternative to traditional smoking. You’ve probably heard that this new craze isn’t as safe as you may have originally thought. New research suggests that vaping has a direct correlation to an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and…

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Your Guide to Becoming a Dental X-Rays Know-it-All

Your Guide to Becoming a Dental X-Rays Know-it-All

When you visit our Alexandria dental office for a checkup, there’s a good chance we may need to take some x-rays of your teeth – especially if it’s your first time seeing us. Both you and your dentist will benefit from the valuable imaging that the x-rays have the power to collect. Since dental x-rays…

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3 of the Top Concerns about Pregnancy and Dentistry

3 of the Top Concerns about Pregnancy and Dentistry

Finding out that you’re pregnant is one of life’s most joyous (and scary) events you can endure. Everyone at our dental office in Alexandria wants to send plenty of well wishes to all of the parents out there who are expecting a blessing of their own. We wanted to set aside this blog to talk…

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Is Snoring Bad for My Smile?

Is Snoring Bad for My Smile?

At our Alexandria dental office, we always go out of our way to make sure your mouth and your body are as healthy as possible – even it goes beyond simply treating or cleaning your teeth. Sometimes patients are concerned about how snoring might be affecting their smile, so we thought we’d dedicate this blog…

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What Causes Bad Breath?

What Causes Bad Breath?

While bad breath can be embarrassing, there may be a bigger cause for concern if it’s something that affects you every day. The team at our dental office in Alexandria knows that bad breath can be a temporary problem… or… even a sign of something more serious. Join us as we look at some of…

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Can Poor Oral Health Increase the Risk for Heart Problems?

Can Poor Oral Health Increase the Risk for Heart Problems?

When it comes to dentistry and oral health, many people think of only the mouth itself. While dentistry is certainly about keeping teeth healthy and cavity-free, it’s also about caring for your gums and protecting your whole body. At our dental office in Alexandria, we not only focus on treating the mouth, but also understand…

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Thinking About Skipping a Brushing Session? Think Again.

Thinking About Skipping a Brushing Session? Think Again.

At our dental office in Alexandria, we always recommend that our patients brush their teeth twice a day for two minutes. Following this routine daily isn’t just good for your oral health, but can benefit your overall health, too. However, if you skip a brushing session altogether or don’t brush thoroughly, your body may be…

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Could Allergies Affect Your Dental Health?

Could Allergies Affect Your Dental Health?

If you get a stuffy nose when the pollen count is high, every time you’re around a cat, or have an even worse reaction to certain foods, it’s likely you’re suffering from an allergic reaction. The typical symptoms of allergies include itchy eyes, a stuffed up nose, or difficulty breathing. But did you know that…

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What All Women Need to Know About Dental Health

What All Women Need to Know About Dental Health

We all know that men and women are built differently, and that affects what health problems each gender is more susceptible to. At our dental office in Alexandria, we also know that even though women are more open to visiting us regularly, they’re actually at more risk for dental problems throughout their lives than men….

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