Category: Overall Health

Dental Health During Pregnancy

Dental Health During Pregnancy

Being pregnant can be one of the most exciting times of your life. But it’s also common to have a lot of questions. What should you eat? What should you drink? What you should do and not do? When it comes to dental health during pregnancy, your dentist in Alexandria has some advice.  Keep Preventive Appointments…

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Should People With Dentures Still See The Dentist? 

Should People With Dentures Still See The Dentist? 

We always stress the importance of seeing your dentist in Alexandria at least twice a year to protect your teeth from decay, disease, and other tooth troubles. But what happens if you no longer have any natural teeth and wear a denture instead? Should you still visit your dentist regularly? Absolutely! The truth is, your dentist’s…

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The Best & Worst Drinks for Teeth

The Best & Worst Drinks for Teeth

We all do our best to limit how many sugary snacks we eat in order to reduce the risk of developing cavities. However, it’s essential to keep an eye on what you drink, too. Certain beverages can be great for oral health, and others can lead to dental problems. Let’s see what your dentist in…

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How Do I Know If I Have Sleep Apnea? 

How Do I Know If I Have Sleep Apnea? 

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can affect both children and adults. It can cause some concerning overall health issues. Recognizing the signs of sleep apnea is one of the most important ways you can help spot a problem and seek treatment sooner rather than later. Let’s take some time to talk about what…

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American Heart Health Month & Your Dentist in Alexandria

American Heart Health Month & Your Dentist in Alexandria

American Heart Health Month is celebrated every February and strives to raise awareness of the prevalence of heart disease in America, as well as offer tips on how to reduce your risk of heart disease. But why is your dentist in Alexandria talking about heart health? Great question. The truth is, one of the lesser-known…

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Is Sunshine Good For Your Teeth?

Is Sunshine Good For Your Teeth?

We all know that getting out into the sunshine can benefit our overall health by boosting mood and increasing vitamin D levels. But can sunshine also be good for oral health? While this may seem like an odd question to ask, your dentist in Alexandria wants you to know that it’s actually not that far…

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Migraines & Dentistry

Migraines & Dentistry

An estimated 39 million Americans suffer from headaches or migraines regularly. That’s about 12% of our population that experience these often debilitating, painful, and difficult-to-treat neurological conditions. However, even though this is such a widespread problem, there’s still the need for more research to determine just what causes a headache or migraine, how to prevent…

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Tongue Discoloration & Overall Health

Tongue Discoloration & Overall Health

Your dentist in Alexandria knows that your oral health can say a lot about your overall health. But the connection doesn’t just involve your teeth and gums. In fact, at every one of your dental appointments, your dental team takes a good, hard look at your tongue, as well as your teeth and gums, and…

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Can Asthma Inhalers Cause Oral Health Problems?

Can Asthma Inhalers Cause Oral Health Problems?

According to the CDC, 1 in 13 Americans has asthma. That’s nearly 25 million Americans who have this chronic disease that affects the respiratory system, resulting in difficulty breathing, wheezing, and chest pain. The most common treatment to combat the symptoms of asthma is the use of an inhaler. However, these devices full of life-saving…

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Best Foods for Teeth

Best Foods for Teeth

National Nutrition Month, which is celebrated every March, strives to help Americans better understand how eating right can help keep them healthy. While it’s certainly true that what we eat affects our overall health, your dentist in Alexandria wants you to know that our food choices also play a key role in our oral health. …

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How Can Oral Health Affect Heart Health?

How Can Oral Health Affect Heart Health?

Every February seems to bring out the love in people, and there are hearts everywhere we look. From heart candy and heart decorations, we’re surrounded by bright, red hearts. But we’re not here to talk about those kinds of hearts. Today, we want to focus on your heart and how your oral health can actually…

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Things To Do To Prevent the Flu

Things To Do To Prevent the Flu

Every year millions of Americans get knocked down by the flu and suffer the miserable sniffles, annoying coughs, and unbearable body aches. Flu season usually runs from about October through February, but this year, your dentist in Alexandria is here to provide you with some things you can do to help prevent the flu from…

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