Category: Jaw Pain & TMJ

November Is TMJ Awareness Month
When we don’t feel well or are in pain, we turn to healthcare to find answers. However, sometimes symptoms don’t appear to have a direct cause, and occasionally the true problem is overshadowed by more widely recognized disorders. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or TMJ, is one such condition. This November, your dentist in Alexandria observes TMJ Awareness…
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Migraines & Dentistry
An estimated 39 million Americans suffer from headaches or migraines regularly. That’s about 12% of our population that experience these often debilitating, painful, and difficult-to-treat neurological conditions. However, even though this is such a widespread problem, there’s still the need for more research to determine just what causes a headache or migraine, how to prevent…
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What Are Signs That I Grind My Teeth?
Do you or someone in your family grind their teeth? Did you know you could be grinding your teeth and not even know it? At our dental office in Alexandria, we see so many side effects of teeth grinding (also known as bruxism) on teeth of patients of all ages. Let’s take a look at…
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Stress & Oral Health
Even though the craziness of the holidays is behind us, it doesn’t necessarily mean our stress levels have decreased. Everyday life can certainly cause anxiety and contribute to more stress. As many people know, stress can impact our health and overall well-being, but did you know stress can also contribute to oral health problems? Today,…
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Are Headaches and Dentistry Related?
All of us have experienced at least one headache throughout our lives. And while headaches are certainly uncomfortable, there are millions of Americans who suffer with regular headaches or more severe migraines regularly. During this National Migraine & Headache Awareness Month, our dental office in Alexandria wants to help do our part by educating our…
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What’s Occlusion and Should You Worry About it?
You may have heard us talk about your “occlusion” during your visits to our dental office in Alexandria. But what exactly are we talking about when we speak about occlusion? Is it something you should worried about? Let’s take a closer look at what occlusion means and examine a few concerns that are related to…
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Top 4 Ways to Stop Biting Your Cheeks
Cheek biting is a common habit and is actually very similar to nail biting. Typically brought on by stress or when nervous, biting the inside of the cheek — or the lips or tongue — can be painful, and in certain cases, concerning for the dental team at our Alexandria dental office. We’re here to…
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“Why Does My Jaw Get Stuck Sometimes?”
You’re feeling tired, and you know a yawn is working its way out. As your mouth opens involuntarily and the yawn escapes, you wait for your jaw to slowly close shut. But it doesn’t. It’s stuck. It’s scary. It’s painful. At my Alexandria dental office, we know just how terrifying this can be, especially if…
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