Month: May 2022

What Should I Do About My Nighttime Teeth Grinding?
You wake up at least a few times a week with soreness in your jaw and a dull ache in your head. Are you dehydrated? Did you bite down too hard on something? Did you sleep in an awkward position? While all of these things are entirely possible, did you know that grinding or clenching…
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How Bad is a Root Canal (Really)?
You’ve been having some tooth pain. You decided to finally make the call for a consultation with your dentist in Alexandria. Then you learn that your best treatment option is a dental treatment we’ve all heard of by now, and that’s a root canal. A million thoughts start racing through your mind: How long will…
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Don’t Take a Vacation From Your Dental Care This Summer
Summer in Alexandria is one of the most exciting times to call this area home, with so many places to visit and things to do. When summer rolls around, it can be super easy to get out of our regular routines, including how you take care of your teeth at home. As you enjoy camping,…
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